Job Salary Information

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To enter the current salary for an employee, select the Current/Next Year Salary section in the Job Editor.

There are many elements to an employee’s salary.  It can be very straight forward, just a flat rate annual salary with no schedule and no adjustments to it or it can have many components that adjust the salary due to days worked, longevity, stipends, bonus, etc.

The Full Time Equivalent (FTE) can be used in the pay calculation only if you have set this up in Operational Settings in the Admin/Config menu as the rule to be applied to all salaries.  Otherwise, the FTE is for information only.

Contract Days and Hours per Day are used in the salary calculation and the pay per day and pay per hour calculations.

Pro-rate Days are used in the event that someone starts their job after the beginning of the fiscal year and their total salary needs to be adjusted to reflect a partial year’s salary..

Additional Days can be added if someone is to work extra days as part of their contract resulting in additional pay.  The daily rate will be multiplied by this number of days to calculate the salary impact.

Enter the Pay Type by choosing Annual, Hourly or Daily from the drop down list.

If the person is to be paid based on a salary schedule, then enter the Salary Schedule by choosing one from the drop down list.  Then by entering the Salary Step, the Contract Salary amount will display.  If the salary schedule is not in the drop down list, there may be a problem in the setup of your salary schedules.  If the person is not on a salary schedule, the schedule name should be entered as NONE.

You can adjust the salary by entering a Pay Percent.  So, if someone is working half time and is on a full-time salary schedule, then enter 0.5 as the pay percent and the salary will be reduced by half.  You can also identify whether the pay per day calculation should be adjusted accordingly by checking the box to the right of the pay percent.

A Shift Differential applies to hourly-based salaries and allows for an additional increase to the base hourly rate originally set in the salary schedule which may apply to jobs that are weekend or night shift type jobs.

There are three additional salary fields that can be used for other salary amounts that are to be added in (and their names can be customized in the Data Dictionary, if desired).  Whether it is longevity, stipends, bonuses, etc., they can be separated out for use in reports and contract letters.  You can enter the amounts directly or click on the blue, underlined field label which takes you to a new window with greater functionality for calculations.  Not only can you do a calculation to determine the amount but you have the flexibility of pulling another kind of salary schedule in such as a longevity schedule and identify a longevity step.  You can identify whether the amount is an annual, daily or hourly amount.  And with each of the salary additions, you can select whether you want it part of the Contract Amount or only part of the Total Salary.

Since there may be exceptions to the Total Salary rounding rule, you can even override the rule by indicating it in the Rounding Override field.

Next Midyear Salary Splits
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