Scheduled Expiration Notifications

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Special notifications can be automatically sent to employees reminding them of upcoming expiration dates for licenses, permits, background checks, and/or trainings.  You can generate your own customized notifications and schedule when the notification should be sent out.  As an example, you could have the system send a reminder two months before background checks expire, and then again one month before they expire and then one week before they expire.  Using this feature, you would no longer need to remember to send out emails manually through the Letters section reminding people of what they need to do because an employment requirement is expiring.

Initial Setup

Turn on the permission for this feature for the person or persons who will be setting these up.

Notification Creation

Use the Auto Notifications option found in the Letters/Email  menu.

To set up a notification, click on New Notification to build your e-mail style template.  Enter a Subject Line and the Body of the email.  You can copy and paste from another template in Letters or from another source if you want.   You can add merge fields, also, just like in the Letters section.  Click on Preview Content to review the template to confirm it looks as you expected.

There are four setting that you must configure.

  • Enter a Notification Title
  • Enter a Description
  • Select a Notification Category so the system knows which expiration date to check. The options are as follows:



  • Enter the email address for the person who needs to know who received the notifications from the daily job. For example, the daily job runs and finds three people whose background check expiration date meets the criteria.  Each of the three people will receive the notification but someone else will receive an email with the list/report of the three people so they know who was notified.  This may be you but if you are creating this automated notification and someone else is responsible for managing it, then you would enter their email address instead of your own.  You can enter multiple email addresses separated by semicolons if needed.  It is important that someone receives this report to know what is being generated out of PeopleWerksHR.

Make sure to click on the Save Notification button.  Once it has been saved, you must set up a Notification Schedule to indicate when notifications should be sent.  You can have the notification sent multiple times at different time intervals. Notice that you can change the status to Inactive if you do not want a particular schedule to run.

Distribution List

You must select search criteria for the system to know what employee group should get the notifications.  Make sure to include employee status in the criteria.  Do not add any expiration date in the criteria because the system already knows what expiration date to look for based on the notification setup.

Make sure to click on the Save Search Criteria at the bottom of the screen.

Notification Generation

Once you have the initial setup complete and your notifications created, the system will do the rest.  Each day, 365 days a year, the system will look to see what notifications are set up; will search for people who meet the criteria; will check the schedule to see if it is time to send a notification; and will send the emails to the applicable people.  It will generate the report to the designated email address entered in the setup area for their information.  It will also save the notification in the correspondence history of the employee.

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